Sudden natural disasters such as wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes require efficient management techniques to reduce the losses. Some of these disasters trigger new ones that may deepen the damage or widen the locations prone to the disaster. For example, a major earthquake may trigger a number of earthquakes which may lead to more disaster locations. A wildfire may change its direction of spread. In this project, we will call this type of disaster “an invasive disaster”, i.e. the disaster locations and the loss rate at each disaster location may change as time progresses.
Problem: Today, we use numerous applications to store our work, share pictures, collaborate on a document, and more. Most of them work with the internet, and without a connection, you cannot claim the “ownership” of your data. While this is primarily a big problem for collaborative software tools like Google Docs, a similar situation can be found with social media platforms as well. Without a connection, you cannot see your posts, create a new post, or edit your post.