- Applications to the Graduate Studies (MSc. or PhD degree) in Bogazici University, Department of Computer Engineering (CMPE) are processed electronically and there is no other channel of application. All prospective candidates should apply through the following link:
- The most actual information about the application process such as required documents and certificates, quotas and important deadlines, are announced regularly on the page linked above. The candidates are advised to study this information carefully and identify specific requirements for their individual cases, as there may variations in terms of required documents depending on the specific status. Applicants should compare to the previous application period, and plan well ahead to obtain mandatory certificates (such as GRE, TOEFL, UYS, YDS for PhD) on time. Remember that many certificates require registering many weeks before taking an exam and report results with some delay.
- The graduate education is exclusively in English and the applicants are expected to posses a high level of English speaking and writing skills. In only extraordinary circumstances, the Computer Engineering PhD program may admit candidates to the English preparatory class before the actual program. However, the quota for this option is severely limited (currently only 1). The candidates should check the Prep class box during on-line application and take the DBS (English Language Level Test) so as to get considered as a prep student by the CmpE Department.
- Bogazici University uses a grading system similar to the US grading system (AA, BA, BB, .., DD), corresponding to (4, 3.5, 3, .., 1 ), and 'F' for failing. The following link will be helpful in translating the GPA, especially for candidates applying from a non-Turkish University:
- Before finishing the application process, each candidate must identify a desired area of research and prepare a detailed statement of purpose (SoP). The SoP is a key document in the decision process; it is very strongly advised, that the candidates get in contact with a full time faculty member that has matching research interests and get a confirmation that the faculty member is willing to guide the candidate throughout the PhD research. This faculty member will act as both the academic advisor and the thesis supervisor. Please find the most recent list of the CmpE faculty along with keywords of research interest here.
- The applications are processed case by case. Note that incomplete applications may not be considered for evaluation and the candidate may not be invited to an interview. Beware that the workflow in University's On-line Application System allows finalizing an application with eventually missing documents.
- Some submissions require letters of reference written on candidate's behalf. Such letters must be uploaded to an on-line reference system by the referees. Past experience has shown that referees too often forget or delay to upload these letters. It is in the candidate's responsibility to remind the referees to ensure that letters are uploaded before the evaluation.
- Graduates of Bogazici University Computer Engineering Department need not submit reference letters.