The Format of a Variable
The integer Datatype
The real Datatype
The char Datatype
The boolean Datatype
Examples with assignment
Operator precedence

Each variable, the concept of a variable is explained before, has a certain type, that is the type of the value which it is to store. There are 4 standard types in Pascal, which are integer, real, char and boolean.

The declaration of a variable is done in the variable part of the program. The format to be used is: 
identifier1 : type; {like a:integer;}
identifier2 : type;
identifierN : type;
begin {not in variable declaration part anymore}
The Format of variables:
The format of a variable, or in general identifier, in Standard Pascal is as follows: 

What you should not use as an identifier is a reserved word. Reserved words are words which have a special meaning in Pascal, such as "begin", "end", "and", "or", "not" etc.

Remember, that Pascal is not case sensitive, that is Name and name are recognized as the same identifier. Moreover, Pascals identifiers are limited to 8 characters, that is you can write more than 8 characters as a literal name, but Pascal will cut off the longer variables to 8 characters. For example "firsteight" and "firsteig" are recognized as the same identifierd.
Positive examples for identifiers are: 
first, count, name, give, henry18, henry6s.
Negative examples for identifiers are: 
18henry,, first-name, *jklpp etc.


The Integer Datatype

The integer datatype is used to represent integer numbers, that is numbers which do not have fractions (eg. 13, -5). It has a range between -maxint and maxint-1, where maxint is 32768. If you assign a larger number than maxint to a number, maxint is subtracted from the number as many times as needed to fit this number into the range and you can't detect the error. So beware of this.
Operators: '+' '-' '*' 'div' 'mod'. 
The syntax is: 
integer1:= integer2 + integer3;
integer1:= integer2 - integer3;
integer1:= integer2 * integer3; {'*' stands for multiplication, don't forget the limits -maxint and maxint}
integer1:= integer2 div integer3; {div takes the integer part of the division and assigns it to integer1}
integer1:= integer2 mod integer3; {this is the standard modula operator}

The Real Datatype

The real datatype is to represent real values, but not all real values. It's upper limit is 1.7E-38, where E-38 means a multiplicant of 10 to the power -38, eg. 15.0E-4 = 0.0015.
It's operators: +', '-', '*', '/'.
real1:= real2 + real3;
real1:= real2 - real3;
real1:= real2 * real3; {'*' stands for multiplication, don't forget the limits}
real1:= real2 / real3; {this is the standard division we use everytime in life}

The Char Datatype

The char datatype is used to store any single character value, like 'c', '8'. It can hold any of the letters, characters, punctuation marks or digit characters that appear on the keyboard. Note that the character '8' and the integer 8 are different. With the integer 8 you can perform arithmetic operations whereas with the character '8' you can not. The character, if it is written in the program, is enclosed in single quotes, where a single quote is a '. However, if the input is a character from the terminal, keyboard, then it is just written without quotes.

The Boolean Datatype
A boolean datatype can only have to values, either true or false. It is used in conditional statements, (covered later) like if..then, while etc. The assignment can be as follows: b:=true; or b:=(8<9); which is also true. You should note that you should not check for equality of real values, since even if they are theoretically equal, there can be an error of Epsilon, the smallest number possible in Pascal, and then your equality is false.
The first example is an illustrative example showing how the memory cell content holding the variable changes during an assignment. 

Illustrative Example

As you see, contrary to the thoughts of most new pascal students, the content of B does not change when A changes.  
Operator Precedence:
  1. ( )
  2. not
  3. mod div * / and
  4. + - or
  5. < <= > >= <> =
The <> symbol denotes inequality. eg. b:=(8<>9) is the same as b:=true;
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